Griboyedov: "The Outcome of Life". Literary Composition About Griboedov : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

    Griboyedov: "The Outcome of Life". Literary Composition About Griboedov

    October 23, 2011

    The Central House of Artists

    directions to the hall
    Antonina Kuznetsova (spoken word artist)


    Subscription №201:

    To Antonina Kuznetsova's Jubilee


    Artist of Moscow Philharmonic Society, people's artist of Russia Antonina Kuznetsova

    Anatoly Spivak (piano)


    Griboyedov: "The Outcome of Life". Literary Composition About Griboedov
    after Tynyanov's novels: "The Death of Wazir Mukhtar," "Kyuhlya". Letters. Documents

    Music by Mozart, Glinka, Griboedov