Алексей Рыбников (50-летию творческой деятельности композитора посвящается) : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

    Алексей Рыбников (50-летию творческой деятельности композитора посвящается)

    January 30, 2013

    Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

    directions to the hall
    Sergey Skripka (conductor)


    Subscription №14:

    «Живая музыка экрана»


    Российский государственный симфонический оркестр кинематографии
    Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер — Сергей Скрипка

    Солисты: Дмитрий Илларионов (гитара)

    Артисты Государственной творческой мастерской Алексея Рыбникова (Театр Алексея Рыбникова)

    Ведущая концерта — Нара Ширалиева

    Режиссер — Сергей Капков

    В программе:

    Музыка из фильмов: «Усатый нянь», «Диалог», «Остров сокровищ», «Приключения Буратино», «Руки вверх», «Полёт с космонавтом», «Бедная Лиза», «Звезда и смерть Хоакина Мурьеты», «Вам и не снилось», «Звезда», «Шла собака по роялю», «Дневник Карлоса Эспинолы», «Большое космическое путешествие», «Про Красную шапочку», «Тот самый Мюнхгаузен»

    Sergey Skripka

    Most of Sergey Skripka’s artistic career is associated with the Russian State Symphony Cinema Orchestra. He joined the company in 1977, as a student of Prof. Leo Ginzburg at the Moscow Conservatory, and has been the orchestra’s Artistic Director and Chief Conductor since 1993. Led by Sergey Skripka, the orchestra has recorded soundtracks for most Russian, and also some foreign, films. Over the years, the maestro’s work has been greatly appreciated by his colleagues, becoming an integral part of the national film industry.

    The musician has strong artistic links to famous film makers. Outstanding directors Eldar Ryazanov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Sergey Solovyov, Pyotr Todorovsky, famous actors, composers, and screenwriters have repeatedly appeared on stage with the maestro and his orchestra. Film lovers might remember his brilliant programmes celebrating milestone birthdays of Gennady Gladkov, Eduard Artemyev, Alexander Zatsepin, Alexey Rybnikov, Vladimir Dashkevich, Polad Bülbüloğlu, Maxim Dunaevsky as well as commemoration concerts of Tikhon Khrennikov, Andrey Petrov, Isaak Schwartz, Yevgeny Ptichkin, Oscar Feltsman, Mikael Tariverdiev, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Kirill Molchanov, Georgy Garanian, and Rolan Bykov. Since 2006, Sergey Skripka and the Cinema Orchestra have been running Live Screen Music, a unique personal subscription series at the Moscow Philharmonic. 

    Sergey Skripka has collaborated with many Russian ensembles, touring both in Russia and abroad. He has performed and made records with famous soloists including Mikhail Pletnev, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Sergey Sudzilovsky, Alexander Vedernikov, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Alexey Lubimov, Andrey Diev, Rodion Zamuruev, Alexander Gindin, Alexey Nabiulin, Alena Baeva, Gaik Kazazyan, Nikita Borisoglebsky, and others. Since 1975, he has headed the Zhukovsky Symphony Orchestra. For 27 years, he also was a Professor of Orchestra Conducting Department at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. 

    The conductor’s repertoire includes works of different eras and genres, from baroque to contemporary music, from high classics to best pop pieces. The maestro premiered the oratorio St. Mark Passion by Reinhard Keiser in Russia and made the first CD recordings of some pieces by Reinhold Glière, Alexander Mosolov, Vissarion Shebalin, and Edison Denisov. In 2018, Sergey Skripka conducted the world premiere of the requiem Nine Steps to Transformation by Eduard Artemyev. He regularly serves as a jury member at film festivals and music competitions. He also belongs to NIKA and Golden Eagle film academies as well as the Russian Union of Cinematographers. Sergey Skripka is Merited Artist of the Russian Federation (1993), People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (1998), Honorary Citizen of the city of Zhukovsky (2004), recipient of the Russian Government Prize for Culture (2010) and holder of the Order of Honor (2016).