III RNO Grand Festival. In Memory of the Victims of September 11, 2001 Attack in New York : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

    III RNO Grand Festival. In Memory of the Victims of September 11, 2001 Attack in New York

    September 11, 2011

    Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

    directions to the hall


    Российский национальный оркестр

    Дирижёр – Томас Зандерлинг /Германия/

    Сергей Лейферкус (баритон)
    Мария Булгакова (сопрано)
    Чтец и автор текста – Самуэль Пизар /США/

    Государственная академическая хоровая капелла России имени А.А.Юрлова
    Художественный руководитель – Геннадий Дмитряк

    Московский государственный академический камерный хор
    Художественный руководитель – Владимир Минин

    Детский хор «Весна»
    Художественный руководитель – Александр Пономарёв

    В программе:

    Симфония № 13 для баса, хора басов и оркестра. Слова Е. Евтушенко

    Симфония № 3 («Кадиш: диалог с Богом») для чтеца, сопрано, смешанного хора, хора мальчиков и оркестра /Российская премьера/

    Moscow Chamber Choir

    The Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir was founded in 1972 by Artistic Manager and Chief Conductor, People’s Artist of the USSR, USSR State Prize Laureate, Professor Vladimir Minin who is at the head of the Choir up till now.

    The Choir was born as antipode to official formal execution. There created a group capable to be collective “EGO” in its intercourse with audience, that is able to talk as outstanding personality while recounting about own feelings, events endured by the People, about its dreams and ideals, about concealed and significant matters.

    Absolute feeling of harmony and dynamism of the modern world are peculiar to artistic temper of the Group.

    World-wide known singers—Obraztcova, Arkhipova, Vedernikov, Sotkilava, Nesterenko appear with the Choir. The best Russian conductors—Fedoseyev, Spivakov, Pletnev, Sondetckys perform with the Group.

    There are no composers in Russian choral music whose things wouldn’t be performed by the Choir. The repertoire of the Choir is very diverse. It consists of Russian classic music things (Rakhmaninov, Tchaikovskiy, Musorgskiy), Western-European classic (Bach, Mozart, Brams, Vivaldy), Russian folklore. Except a’capella things the Choir performs big-form works with an orchestra accompaniment as well as takes part in the opera productions—“Masked-Ball” by Verdy, “Iolanta” by Tchaikovskiy, “Bohemia” by Putchinni.

    The spirit of the Group is not only in original and irreproachable manner of execution but also in fact that this particular Choir was the first during “the great stagnation” period revived the music of “prohibited composers” such as Chesnokov, Strumskiy, Grechaninov. The touring route of the Group ran through many countries and continents. Only for the last past years the Choir went on a tour to the USA, Switzerland (Zurich, Berne, Basel, Lucerne), Austria (Vena, Bregentze), Germany (Berlin, Kassel, Munich, Frankfurt, Potsdam), China (Pekin, Shanghai), Japan, Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, Italy.

    For the time of creative work the Group was awarded many prizes including the title “Academic”. In 1999 Moscow and All Rus’ Patriarch Alexiy II for great creative merits and highest spirituality awarded V.N.Minin in honor of his 70th anniversary with sculpture of Holy Grand Duke Vladimir.

    For the past years the Choir recorded 8 compact disks at such big Recording Companies as “Deutche Gramophone”, “Mazur Media”, “Eurodisk”, “Melodia”, and English Company NVC issued video cassettes with recording of Russian Church Music in the execution of The Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir.