IV Большой фестиваль РНО. Стравинский-гала (130 лет со дня рождения композитора) : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

    IV Большой фестиваль РНО. Стравинский-гала (130 лет со дня рождения композитора)

    September 20, 2012

    Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

    directions to the hall


    Subscription №12:

    IV Большой фестиваль РНО


    Российский национальный оркестр
    Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер – Михаил Плетнёв

    Государственный академический русский хор имени А. В. Свешникова
    Художественный руководитель – Евгений Волков

    Дирижер – Мариус Стравинский /Великобритания/

    Ольга Трифонова (сопрано)
    Николай Казанский (бас)
    Олег Долгов (тенор)
    Анастасия Кикоть (сопрано)
    Дмитрий Скориков (бас)
    Петр Мигунов (бас)
    Ксения Вязникова (меццо-сопрано)

    В программе:

    «Соловей», опера в концертном исполнении
    «Петрушка» (потешные сцены в 4-х картинах), музыка балета

    Marius Stravinsky

    Marius Stravinsky started playing the violin when he was four at the Moscow Central Music School. He continued his studies at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Great Britain from the age of ten and three years later became the first former Soviet student to secure a scholarship in music at Eton College in the UK. He is a graduate and a scholarship winner of the Royal Academy of Music in London. Stravinsky´s passion for conducting began through meeting Mariss Jansons and playing Bruch Concerto for him aged 13, following which he received conducting training from Igor Golovchin and Thomas Sanderling. The summer of 1998 was spent assisting Claudio Abbado in rehearsals of Peter Brook´s production of Don Giovanni at the Aix-en Provence Festival. He has also attended conducting master- classes with Kenneth Kiesler and Eri Klas.

    In September 2002, Stravinsky accepted the position of Assistant Conductor with the Moscow Philharmonic and Moscow Helikon Opera, studying with Vladimir Ponkin. His three year conducting residency at the Helikon Opera included performance runs of Lulu (Berg), Lady Macbeth of the Mtensk District (Shostakovich), Les Dialogue des Carmelites (Poulenc), The Story of Real Man (Prokofiev), Kaschei the Immortal (Rimsky-Korsakov), Siberia (Giordano), Mavra (Stravinsky) and Carmen (Bizet). He has also worked with numerous ensembles including the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (UK), Moscow Philharmonic, Russian National Orchestra, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, Thuringer Symphoniker Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, St. Petersburg Chamber Orchestra, Belarusian State Academic Symphony Orchestra, National Orchestra of Malta, Queensland Symphony, Tokyo Opera Philharmonic Orchestra etc.

    Following an extensive search and two year competition over 40 candidates, Stravinsky was appointed Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Karelia Philharmonic Orchestra (KPO) in 2007, becoming one of the youngest conductors in Russia ever to hold such a post. He held this position until 2012. After making his highly successful Mariinsky Opera debut with Mavra and The Nightingale in February 2012, he was immediately re-invited for further performances. His discography includes world premiere recordings of Brull´s Violin Concerto and Symphony, Jadassohn´s Symphony and Pabst´s Piano Concerto – all on the Cameo Classics label. The KPO and Stravinsky have also released of the Thomas Blower Symphony, Lamia by Dorothy Howell and works by Holbrook as well as a Piano Concerto and Silentium by Zhukov.

    Vladimir Jurowski invited Marius Stravinsky to be his assistant with the London Philharmonic Orchestra in 2013-2015. He is also a regular guest conductor of the Mikhailovsky Theatre (St Petersburg), where he recently conducted La Bayadere, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, La Fille mal Gardee, White Darkness as well as other performances. He has also developed a strong relationship with the State Academic Symphony “Svetlanov” orchestra, conducting more than a dozen concerts since making his debut in February 2014. Other recent debuts have been with the Slovenian National Philharmonic, Hessisches Staatstheater Orchester of Milan, where he was immediately re-invited for more performances in 2015 and 2017. Other notable highlights next season include debuts with the orchestras of Deutsche Oper Berlin and Staatskapelle Berlin, as well as the St Petersburg Symphony Orchestra and will continue working with the State Academic Symphony Orchestra “Evgeny Svetlanov” in Moscow.