Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, Günter Neuhold, Choir of the Choir Arts Academy : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

    Moscow State Symphony Orchestra,
    Günter Neuhold,
    Choir of the Choir Arts Academy

    October 29, 2016

    Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

    directions to the hall
    Overture to the Opera "Die Zauberflöte"
    Concerto No. 24 for Piano and Orchestra
    "Requiem" for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra


    Subscription №16:

    Moscow State Symphony Orchestra (MSSO)

    Moscow State Symphony Orchestra

    The MSSO was founded in 1943 by the USSR government and is one of the oldest symphony orchestras in Russia. Leo Steinberg, the Peoples Artist of USSR and conductor of the Bolshoi Theatre, became the MSSO first Chief Conductor, a post he held until his death in 1945. He was succeeded by a series of distinguished Soviet musical giants that has included Nicolay Anosov (1945–1950), Leo Ginsburg (1950–1954), Mikhail Terian (1954–1960), Veronica Dudarova (1960–1989), and Pavel Kogan (1989–2022). Owing to the collaboration with such figures the orchestra became one of most prominent national symphonic ensembles, but in the first place it was known through its performances of Russian and Soviet classical music, involving many premieres of Myaskovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Glier.

    The Moscow State Symphony Orchestra became renowned around the globe under the leadership of Pavel Kogan. In 1989 he was engaged as Music Director and Chief Conductor and immediately enriched the orchestra repertoire by the works of European and American musical literature. A landmark of the MSSO has been to present the great cycles of complete symphonic works from leading composers: Brahms, Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, R. Strauss, Mendelssohn, Mahler, Bruckner, Sibelius, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Scriabin, Berlioz, Debussy and Ravel. The orchestra’s wide-ranging programs combine great orchestral, operatic, and choral classics with equally significant music of the 21st century, including many forgotten or neglected works. 

    The MSSO plays some 100 concerts annually. Along with the series in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory and in Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra performs in the Great Hall of the Saint-Petersburg Shostakovich Philharmonic Society and on the stages of many other Russian cities. The MSSO tours regularly overseas including the USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Spain, Austria, Italy, Germany, France, South Korea, Australia, China and Switzerland. The Moscow State Symphony Orchestra also has a long and distinguished recording history with DVD and CD studio and live recordings, television and radio broadcasts. In 1990 the Pioneer made a live recording of Tchaikovsky’ piano and violin concertos, performed by the MSSO and Maestro Kogan (soloists – Aleksey Sultanov, Maxim Vengerov). In the early 1990s Russian television released the documentary Travels with the orchestra about the MSSO and Pavel Kogan tour in Europe and Saint-Petersburg. Their Rachmaninov cycle, released by Alto, which recorded all the symphonies and Symphonic Dances, has become a chart-topping album.

    The MSSO has a proud history of collaborating with eminent conductors and soloists including Evgeny Svetlanov, Kirill Kondrashin, Aleksandr Orlov, Natan Rakhlin, Samuil Samosud, Valery Gergiev, David Oistrakh, Emil Gilels, Leonid Kogan, Vladimir Sofronitsky, Sergei Lemeshev, Ivan Kozlovsky, Svyatoslav Knushevitsky, Sviatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostropovich and Daniil Shafran. 

    Choir of the Popov Choir Arts Academy

    Thе first in thе history high sсhool of сhoral art, сallеd Thе Aсadеmy of Choral Art (thе earliеr Svеshnikov Mosсow Choral Collеgе), was establishеd in 1991 on initiativе of thе profеssor Viсtor Popov. Thе main сonсеrn of the Aсadеmy is to kеep on and dеvеlop historiсal tradition of Russian art of singing, whiсh originated in orthodox сivilization, soon аftет Сhristianization of Russia in 988. Thе first attеmpt to restore traditional system of singеrs' еduсation and training was madе by famous сhoral сonduсtor Alеxandеr Svеshnikov who еstablishеd thе new institution undеr thе namе Mosсow Choral Collеgе in1944. Hе rесruitеd thеrе boys with a good singing voiсе and good еar for musiс. Now this institution bеars Sveshnikov's namе. Thе final point in this historiсal run was thе Aсadеmy of Сhoral Аrt еstablished Ьy professor Popov. Thе Aсademy now сomprisеs all gradеs of сomprеhеnsivе еduсation of сhoirboys–thе bаsiс (primary and sесondary sсhool) ryсle is 11 yеars long, thе high еduсation сyсlе is 5 yеars. Additionally, girls are also admittеd to thе high sсhool. Aсadеmy сhoirs givе pеrformanсеs in Russia and abroad, in Еuropе, Asia (Japan, Taiwan), in thе USA and in Canada. Thе forеign tours Ьесamе more frequеnt sinсе 1995. Choirs took part in a row of intеrnationаl musiс fеstivals likе Bregenzеr Fеstspiеlе (Austriа, 1995, 1996) Fеstival dе Сolmar (Franсе, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004), Rhеingau Мusikfеst (Germany, sinсе 1994 year) and, of сoursе, in Mosсow festivals (Mosсow Autumn, Mosсow Еastеr Fеstival, Chеrry Forest, Mozartiana).Thе Aсadеmy сhoir took part at thе most important сultural еvеnts of rесent yеars suсh as thе world prеmiеrе of Еdison Dеnisov's , “History of lifе and dеath of our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Alte Opеr, Frankfurt, 1994, сond. A.Kats), Pеndеrесki’s “Laudso f St.Daniel, thе Prinсе of Mosсow” (Mosсow, 1997), as wеll as numеrous performanсеs at homе and abroad of Raсhmaninov’s “All- Night Vigil” (“Vsenoshсhnaya”), Mahlеr’s Third and Еighth symphonies, Mozart’s “Requiеm” and “Coronation” Mass, Vеrdi’s “Rеquiem”, Brahms’ “Gеrman Requiеm”, Bеrnstеin’s “Сhiсhеster Psalms”, “Symphony of Psalms” by Strаvinsky and “Rеquiеm” by Lokshin. Aсadеmy сhoirs gavе сonсеrts undеr thе dirесtion of famous сonduсtors suсh as Еvgeny Svetlanov, Vladimir Spivakov, Gennаdy Rozhdestvensky, Dmitri Кitaуеnko, Jansugh Kakhidzе, Vladimir Fеdoseyev Hеlmuth Rilling, Rudolf Barshai, Thomas Sandеrling, Alexandеr Rudin, Mikhail Plеtnеv, Yury Temirkanov. Academy choirs have fully prepared for performance over 2000 music compositions and recorded 40 CDs. Former graduates of Academy and College now hold top-ranked positions in world music life.

    Today the team of Academy of choral art is the group of adherents, colleagues and continuers of work of Victor Sergeevicha Popov. The grand student's choir of Academy directs the pupil V.S.Popov – young, but already enough skilled chorus master Alexey Petrov – the winner of the First award of the First Moscow competition of choral conductors.