Dmitry Sinkovsky will present Bizet's opera Carmen at the Tchaikovsky Hall / News : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

Dmitry Sinkovsky will present Bizet's opera Carmen at the Tchaikovsky Hall

On April 12, in the Tchaikovsky Hall, Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen” will be performed in concert, in which the La voce strumentale orchestra, soloists and choir of the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. S. Pushkin will take part. The main roles will be performed by Natalia Lyaskova, who previously gained fame with the role of Carmen in Konstantin Bogomolov’s play in Perm, Venera Gimadieva (Mikaela), Sergey Kuzmin (Jose), Semyon Antakov (Escamillo) and others.

The opera Carmen was staged in Nizhny Novgorod in the original version of Bizet's score, where the musical scenes are accompanied by spoken dialogues. It was in this version that the world premiere of “Carmen” took place at the Parisian Opera Comique in 1875. The second version - with recitatives written by the composer's friend Ernest Guiraud - appeared after Bizet's death and became a repertoire in all theaters around the world. The Nizhny Novgorod Theater chose the original with dialogue in French for production and created a performance that raised the topic of freedom of creativity in art.

The performance will be led by one of the most outstanding contemporary conductors, Dmitry Sinkovsky. He called the main thing in working on “Carmen” the desire to “approach the score, the well-known melodies that everyone knows, from scratch, moving away from already established traditions and clichés.” This work was highly appreciated by the public and professional critics. In March 2024, the Nizhny Novgorod production of Carmen was awarded the prestigious BraVo award in the Opera of the Year category.


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