Musica sacra nova: the final concert of the cycle / News : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

Musica sacra nova: the final concert of the cycle

On June 19, the Moscow Philharmonie and the Nikolai Karetnikov Foundation finish the cycle of concerts "Musica sacra nova. Spiritual music from the former USSR", dedicated to the spiritual compositions of composers of the post-war avant-garde era and our time. The final program of the subscription is presented by the Questa Musica ensemble and conductor Philip Chizhevsky. Works by Eduard Artemyev, Alexander Vustin, Peteris Vasks, Leonid Desyatnikov, Viktor Ekimovsky, Alexander Knaifel, Anatoly Korolev, Vladimir Martynov, Georg Pelecis and Dmitry Smirnov will be performed.


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