Гайдн, Бетховен и Шнитке – в новой программе Филиппа Чижевского / News : Moscow State Philharmonic Society

Гайдн, Бетховен и Шнитке – в новой программе Филиппа Чижевского

Ending the concert season, the State Academic Chamber Orchestra of Russia presents a program where the music by Viennese composers is compared with the neoclassical composition of the 20th century. On June 6, the Tchaikovsky Hall will feature Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto (soloist – Konstantin Emelyanov), Haydn’s Symphony No. 70 in D major (“With Timpani and Trumpets”), as well as Schnittke’s Moz-Art à la Haydn, a performance dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the composer's birthday (soloists – Ilya Movchan and Andrey Zabavnikov).


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